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Who Are You, Really?

When a new client jumps on board with Jaffe Communications, our big first question: Where do you want to be in five years?

No, this is not a trick question, and, yes, we realize the same question is often posted to all those wide-eyed, deer-in-the-headlight
college graduates.

But, it really is a great question. You can't develop the right messaging or communication strategy for a client if you don't know where they are headed. Together, we create a plan to move forward.

It's often said to dress like the professional you want to be, not the person you are now. It is the same with your company.

We are eager to develop a PR campaign that focuses on future goals, not all the glorious places you have already been. And that is why one of our very first tasks is to work with new clients on identifying themselves, their companies and how best they should be branded to achieve that big success five years down the line.

Hard questions? Yes. But this exercise is critically important to ensure an effective, long-term communication plan.

Wow, you must be thinking, Jaffe also seems to be a tremendous business consultant. Our response? Great perception.


A Jaffe Exclusive

by Andy Landorf & John Colquhoun
