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Understand Trends

Hey, we all like to be trendy, right? So, perhaps that is why you no longer see us sporting our pleated Levi Dockers and oversized dress shirts.

In PR, being trendy is not just what you wear, but how you understand the trends across the industry. At Jaffe, we have a little secret....(come closer, yeah, that's it...). Our little secret is that we love to read our competitors' websites. It's true! We want to see how they market themselves and their clients. We look at the designs, the colors and the messages. And we make sure that our stuff is better than theirs. You can't strive to win the race, if you don't know who is coming up behind you. So, learn the industry trends and see who is doing great things. And don't forget to check out, as we try to keep ahead of the pack.


A Jaffe Exclusive

by Andy Landorf & John Colquhoun
