The Jaffe Briefing - June 16, 2021
ALL OVER – Say yes to drugs? There’s a whole different approach on Capitol Hill, where Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-12th Dist.) is pushing a federal law that would decriminalize all drug possession throughout the land, The Verge reports. It is part of her “health-centered approach” to dealing with the drug crisis. The proposed Drug Policy Reform Act (DRPA) would end criminal penalties for “personal use” drug possession at the federal level, expunge criminal records, and shift the regulatory authority from the attorney general to the secretary of Health and Human Services “to emphasize that substance use is a health issue and not a criminal issue.” People could still be busted for drug possession, but the courts could waive fines for those unable to pay. “The United States has not simply failed in how we carried out the War on Drugs — the War on Drugs stands as a stain on our national conscience since its very inception,” Coleman said. “As we work to solve this issue, it is essential that we change tactics.” Lots to unravel here; stay tuned for an unsolicited opinion.
JERSEY CITY – Parisian art isn’t free. And no one knows that better than Jersey City officials, who have big dreams of opening a branch of a world-famous Parisian art museum in Journal Square. City officials say such an anchor tenant would really spruce things up, but the Jersey Journal just can’t help but wonder about the cost. And, as you can imagine, this will be an expensive endeavor for the city. According to a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), the city would pay $5.5 million for the first three project phases, and then $6 million per year to the “Pompidou Center” once it opens in 2024. That includes a branding fee, as well as the cost for artwork and exhibitions. The tally continues with…
STATEWIDE – So, what’s been the most misspelled word in New Jersey since the pandemic erupted? According to Google, it is “coronavirus.” And we were not alone, as people in Illinois, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Vermont, and West Virginia also spent a lot of time googling “How do you spell coronavirus?” Google Trends also reports on the struggles of other spellers, as people in 12 states struggled with “quarantine,” using such search terms as “corn teen.” Meanwhile, seven states spend a lot of time figuring out “favorite,” while three others often Google “which.” Three states butchered “every,” while three others dealt with “definitely.” Meanwhile, “separate" is the most common spelling search in California and Rhode Island. Definitely.
Octopuses have three hearts.
CAPE MAY – Giant horseshoe crab orgy? OK, NJ.com, you have our attention. Naturalists are now on the Delaware River to watch a 400-million-year-old ritual, as tens of thousands of horseshoe crabs lay their eggs. Here’s how it goes down: As the females dig their nests, the male horseshoe crabs surround them. The males excrete sperm into the water and the water carries it around to fertilize the eggs. Whoa, too hot. Need to stop there.
TRENTON – If a state legislator refuses to submit a financial disclosure form, and no one reports it, then does it really matter? Luckily, we don’t have to answer that question, as New Jersey Globe is reporting that 14% of this year’s legislative candidates did not bother to file personal financial disclosures required by the Election Law Enforcement Commission, in which politicians must list income sources of more than $1,000 for themselves and their families. Missing the deadline could incur a fine of up to $1,000, so ELEC is politely asking lawmakers to comply. Curious if they do, or care.
ALL OVER – An interesting study with the most obvious conclusion: States with higher vaccination rates have markedly lower numbers of COVID cases. All would assume that is a no-brainer, but the Washington Post still did plenty of detailed research, showing that cases are decreasing where people are getting vaccinated. Meanwhile, there are high hospitalizations where the vaccination numbers are low. Not exactly landmark stuff here, and not much more to write, other than this: Just get vaccinated, already.
It was this day in 2013 that the coolest Pope of all time – Pope Francis – blesses thousands of Harley-Davidsons and their riders in Vatican Square.
Jocund – [JAH-kund] – adjective
Definition: Marked by or suggestive of high spirits and lively mirthfulness
Example: With all of New Jersey bars getting back into high swing, expect increasingly jocund crowds.
“Fashion is what you're offered four times a year by designers. And style is what you choose.”
-Lauren Hutton
“I'm not big on flak jackets and tie-dyed shirts. You know, that's not me.”
-Joe Biden