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Master Class #88: Your PR - More than a Clean-Up Team

Actions speak louder than press releases.

You can have the flashiest campaigns and the most polished spokesperson, but if your deeds don’t back up your words, people will notice. And once they do, no amount of positive coverage will save you.

Here’s the thing: your communications team isn’t just there to play damage control. They’re your early-warning system, the ones who can tell you, “Hey, this plan might look great on paper, but it’s going to raise eyebrows in real life.”

So, let them into the room before the decision is made. It’s much easier to steer around a puddle than to mop it up.

At Jaffe Communications, we're more than a clean up team. We're here to help you every step of the way to ensure your communication matches your goals.


A Jaffe Exclusive

by Andy Landorf & John Colquhoun
