Lisa Strug, Chief Operating Officer / Director of Association Management

About Lisa
Lisa is a leader in the firm and a trusted resource for the firm's clients around the country, focusing on trade associations and large special events.
She began her career in Management Information Technology, working around the globe to re-engineer major operational systems for large, international clients. Lisa has expertise in data management, system design, implementation, reporting, and training, as well as web-based systems, where she developed strong skills in user experience design.
Lisa then moved to a management role at an event planning company dedicated to non-profit organizations, where she was responsible for the financials, donor relationships, and program management. She took the company from their pen-and-paper record keeping to an MS Access-based system with wide reporting capability and evolution.
Lisa's career took a turn when she became an entrepreneur and ran her own business as a representative for an international children's toy company. She supported, developed, and trained a team of more than 350 sales people during her seven-year stint. Lisa was a featured speaker at several national conventions, was a highly-regarded, award-winning trainer, and was in the top two percent of the sales force for her entire tenure with the company.
At Jaffe, Lisa runs the Association Management Division. She oversees all event planning, media relations and member recruitment, as well as day-to-day communications, financial management and record keeping for association clients. Wearing many hats, Lisa is a one-stop resource for associations seeking long-term goals, member sustainability, financial oversight, strong communications and overall effectiveness.
Lisa serves in the Executive Director role for the National Association of Oil and Energy Service Professionals, along with several state and local chapters of the National Association of Benefits and Insurance Professionals: New Jersey, Texas, Colorado, Utah, Maryland and California. She enjoys traveling the country and working with the amazing volunteers on all of these boards.
Lisa graduated from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania with a Bachelors of Science in Marketing and Operations.
Lisa and her husband, Mike, reside in Scotch Plains, NJ, enjoying their empty nest. In her spare time, Lisa frets about the catering numbers at the next association conference.