The Jaffe Briefing - October 24, 2017
WARETOWN - As little ghosts and goblins head out on Halloween, and prance on down Mizzen Way, they will be welcomed by a gruesome crime scene, a body pinned between a tree and a blood-soaked car. It's all part of a local holiday display, certainly getting plenty of attention. Some see it is a truly bitchin tribute to the holiday, others are aghast. Local cops say they have been inundated with complaints. The family even posted a fake news story about "Bob the Zombie," being "zombified" by drinking contaminated drinking water from a power plant, CBS reports. There's also another body on the ground named "Zombie Cindy," for good measure. The homeowner tells CBS that he's just a guy celebrating a holiday.
MAPLE SHADE - For a brief moment it made sense. How about putting together a panel about the plight of women in business? The only problem was that SJ Magazine didn't invite any women to participate. reports that the Nov. 6 event, "Women in Business: A man's point of view," featured, among others, Assembly Majority Leader Lou Greenwald - until he backed out (presumably after his wife/sister/mother/daughter set him straight). The event sought to showcase how men have a responsibility to step up and support women; fortunately, the magazine sensed the percolating wrath and wisely cancelled.
LAWRENCE - This blurb is less than 400 words. And maybe this word count is all you need to earn a full four-year ride to Rider University. The college is urging high school seniors to concoct a brief essay in 400 words or less, revealing a brilliant business idea. If the school is blown away by your awesomeness, then Boom! - a free four years of tuition! Juniors and sophomores can also apply for cash prizes and automatically make the finals when they become seniors. Funding comes from a Rider alumnus and super entrepreneur, Norm Brodsky. Need to get the creative juices flowing? Entrepreneur Magazineoffers "55 Great Business Ideas."
BLOOMFIELD - When a NJIT student approached a homeless man at a 7-11, he first asked if the man, named Alex, would like a sandwich. But the man was not hungry. So, how about a haircut? Kan Mazano happened to have his clippers with him. During the haircut, Mazano learned all about Alex, how he worked in information technology and how he had fallen on hard times. "The smallest of gestures could mean a lot to somebody," Mazano wrote on Facebook. "That's why I encourage people to give back to those who weren't granted the same opportunities as us." See the post here.
IN THE PHYSICAL UNIVERSE - Want to thumb through Stephen Hawking's doctoral thesis? We bet you do! But good luck finding it on the internet. The University of Cambridge on Monday placed his 1966 PhD thesis, "Properties of Expanding Universes," on its open access repository, but the site crashed after it went live due to the volume of traffic it generated. CNN reports that the theoretical physicist's work sparked more than 60,000 download attempts within minutes, which begs the question: Can Hawking identify a universe with better Wi-Fi?
Pelf - [PELF] - noun
Definition: Money; riches
Example: We hope Alex gets some pelf!