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Master Class #52: Be the PR Magician

Making Magic Through Clever PR 

The PR space is a 24-hour battlefield brimming with shouting voices. 

Cutting through the noise demands more than just a press release; it requires a touch of the magician, pulling rabbits from hats and leaving audiences awestruck. This is where Jaffe thrives.

And here's some ways you can create some of that magic:

Forget the formula. Craft stories that surprise and delight. Imagine a bakery partnering with a local dog shelter, offering pupcakes in exchange for pet food donations – a heartwarming narrative that wags its tail at traditional marketing. 

Data is your pal, but don't let it drown the human element. Translate those numbers into relatable stories of impact, like showcasing how increased sales mean scholarships for underprivileged students.

PR is a contact sport; get off the bench. Become the newsmaker. Launch a thought-provoking podcast, host a virtual summit buzzing with industry insights, or curate insightful commentary that establishes you as a leader worth listening to.

Negative press? Don't shy away. Embrace it with transparency and collaboration. Turn critics into allies by addressing concerns openly and working together to find solutions.

Remember, local roots in Jersey can grow global reach. Build genuine connections with local media and influencers, tailoring your message to resonate with their communities and expanding across the web. This grassroots approach can blossom into national recognition, like a pebble creating ripples across a pond.

Finally, unleash the power of humor. A witty tweet or a chuckle-worthy video can disarm audiences and make your message stick. But remember, humor should align with your brand; a forced joke can backfire spectacularly. (Trust us on that.)

So, step onto the PR stage, don your magician's hat, and pull off something truly remarkable. As always, Jaffe is happy to be your trusty assistant.


A Jaffe Exclusive

by Andy Landorf & John Colquhoun
