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Master Class #50: Be Aware of Disinformation

There is a lot of "BS" out there.  Sorry to be so blunt, but it is a bit ridiculous when media publishes anything that comes across the desk.

Take, for example, a bogus study that was sent all over New Jersey and beyond this month about how the plastic bag ban is not working in the state.  
The study is completely wrong.  When was the last time you saw a single-use plastic bag blow through a parking lot, or sit in your shopping cart or float in your local creek? 
The fact is the bags are no longer there - not since the law went into effect on May 4, 2022.  In fact, a real study shows that New Jersey no longer deals with 8.3 billion single-use bags each year - all have been removed from the wastestream.
And there is real research, from real people, to prove it:
Don't believe any study unless you know who is funding it. And when you see studies that make wild claims that don't mesh with reality, ask yourself: Who is behind this study?
In this case, the plastics industry - the people who benefit by having 8.3 billion more pieces of plastic littering our communities.
If you think PR is about concocting bold-faced lies, this is not the career for you. We demand better. Class dismissed....


A Jaffe Exclusive

by Andy Landorf & John Colquhoun
