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The Jaffe Briefing - February 1, 2018

ATLANTIC CITY - Politicians generate plenty of wind, and that fits well at the moment, as Gov. Phil Murphy has dashed off another executive order, calling for 3,500 megawatts of offshore wind generation by 2030, enough to power 1.5 million homes in the state. This is ambitious stuff, generating enthusiastic support from New Jersey Audubon and other conservationists. Wind power is critical to fighting climate change and accomplishing the governor's lofty goal of the state running on 100 percent clean energy by 2050. Looking forward to reading all about it, from the retirement village in Florida.
NEWARK - The 2018 election season just got a whole lot easier for Sen. Bob Menendez, no longer facing those nagging federal charges that he violated public integrity laws. The sudden decision yesterday from the Justice Department represented a legal surrender of sorts, as prosecutors just weeks ago vowed to retry Menendez, following last year's hung jury. State Democrats quickly voiced support, clearly relieved that our senior senator has a much clearer path to clinching another six years on Capitol Hill. Republicans, meanwhile, grumbled choice words inaudibly.
IN THE TRENCHES - Remember former Gov. Christie Whitman? Fresh from the era of grunge music, Zima and "Seinfeld," our fearless leader of the 1990s is embarking on a new project. She now wants to fix American democracy in her spare time. Whitman is co-chair of the impressive-sounding "National Task Force on Rule of Law and Democracy," along with former U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara. This dynamic duo will lead this project through NYU School of Law to develop "implementable solutions to restore trust in government." Perhaps they can begin by calling for Congressional districts to finally be redrawn, prompting actual competition for the seats.
BAYONNE - With word that Bayonne taxpayers have to cough up $400,000 for a settlement with a local mosque, it's time for municipalities to stop prompting religious discrimination lawsuits. You don't want a mosque? Sorry, but you live in a democracy, where the Bill of Rights is darn clear about freedom of religion. In fact, our founding fathers stuck it right in the First Amendment. And it is why the country has been built by immigrants, many escaping religious persecution. The Bayonne Muslims sued in federal court, citing "explosive hostility." The lawsuit follows similar cases in Bernards and Bridgewater, where millions of dollars were blown on court settlements. For the next town trying to keep out a mosque, some advice: arguments of "parking," or "flooding" or "traffic" won't fly.


DETROIT - Michael Ryder was mailed a notice, confirming he would receive $360 checks from the Michigan unemployment office. Not very newsworthy, except for the fact that the home has no Michael Ryder. But it does have a German Shepherd named "Michael."  While the homeowner found the mix-up uproariously funny, state officials were clearly not pleased, the Detroit Free Press reports. Some suspect fraud. Hmm... Ya think?
WASHINGTON - Stunned to learn that President Trump is decliningthe annual Presidential "Super Bowl Interview." It has become a decade-long tradition in which our chief executive gets valuable air time before the Patriots defeat some other team. The President gets to address the many, many millions who ignore his "State of the Union" address. NBC - which Trump has decreed as "Fake News" - says it has extended an open offer if Trump changes his mind. Last year, when FOX aired the big game, Trump was on. Perhaps you see a pattern here.
It was on this day in 2015 that the New England Patriots won their fourth Super Bowl; Tom Brady was named MVP amid the controversy of Deflate-Gate.  Cheaters.
Epistemic - [ehp-uh-STEE-mik] - adjective
Definition: Of or relating to knowledge or the conditions for acquiring it
Example: Trump World often faces an epistemic breach - of who they trust, of who they value and of what they believe to know.

Dear Jaffe Briefing,
Hello, I've been reading your email newsletters for many years. Mostly because I like that I can get a quick read about highlights of news in NJ.
I have noticed though, an unmistakable bias AGAINST our President. While you are most likely pandering to the fact that most Democrats win most elections in the state, don't assume that all are. It's due to the several urban populated counties/areas which outnumber the rest of the state which leads to the majority of our legislature being "blue." 

I would like to see more impartiality of our president and some credit and mention of the numerous great things he has done in a short period of time. 

While, of course not, perfect, none of us and none of our Presidents ever are. 
Marlboro, NJ