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The Jaffe Briefing - November 15, 2017

Click HERE for a complete list of all today's extracurricular activities at this year's League of Municipalities conference

ATLANTIC CITY - The New Jersey State League of Municipalities Conference kicked off yesterday as the state's pols made their annual schmooze-and-booze trip to the state's party Mecca. One would think that with decisive wins statewide the Democratic Party's standard bearer would be making victory laps, but Phil Murphy was nowhere to be seen last night. Even though Murphy as been a staple at the League conference since 2014 with his famous one-on-one discussion with Jon Bon Jovi, this year expect the governor-elect to make quiet appearances at small events before making an anticipated keynote at Thursday's closing luncheon. Despite his verve to campaign, humility appears to be the name of Murphy's post-election game.
RUTHERFORD - One must wonder what type of Saturday night a local attorney had, prompting him to strut into a stranger's home, nude from the waist down and wearing high heels, proclaiming "I'm here." The Hackensack man was later found in Lyndhurst, sleeping in his car in the driveway of another stranger, the Record reports. The 39-year-old attorney, who often handles DUI and drug cases, was still only wearing a black shirt and those high-heeled shoes. When cops tap-tapped the window, the startled attorney said he had no clue why he was there. Cops found a possible reason, a plastic bag containing pure MDMA, the active ingredient in ecstasy.

STATEWIDE - Besides some obvious benefits of legalized marijuana in New Jersey, a trade association says it will also be a huge boon for other businesses. Just imagine, says the New Jersey Cannabusiness Association, how legalized pot will create a ton of work for lawyers, accountants, security firms and all other jobs yet to be created when a multi-million dollar business suddenly appears in New Jersey. So, instead of unregulated pot transactions taking place in the shadows, it could finally be a legitimate business, with money going to other legitimate businesses. Just imagine the promos at the local pizza shop. Hey, have you tried the "Marijuana Marinara?"
YOUR HOME - Free vacuums and air conditioners? State health officials will be visiting the homes of nearly 500 New Jersey children with asthma, trying to figure why they are suffering. Through a grant from The Nicholson Foundation, community health workers will be poking around to learn what's flaring up these kids' lungs, NJ 101.5 reports. Is there mold? Dust? Someone smoking? How about pets? In this pilot program, workers may return with vacuums, dust mite covers and air conditioners, hoping to minimize what's flying around and triggering asthma. What a simple and smart way to keep kids at home, rather than the ER.

STATEWIDE - There are plenty of schools in New Jersey that aren't exactly diverse. Any question? Check out a classroom in Millburn, compared to one in Newark. But it is still stunning to learn that New Jersey has some of the most segregated school systems in the entire country. The Civil Rights Project at the University of California has released a study that shows many black and Hispanic students are in doubly segregated schools in New Jersey. Not only are there no white kids, the urban schools also serve the children of very poor families. One culprit is the high number of school districts in New Jersey, in which rich, fancy towns can educate their own, as opposed to sending their cherubs to regional districts. And there is very little interest in expanding those historical boundaries.

HOPKINTON, Mass. - You don't have to be a veteran cop to sniff out fake license plates - especially if the culprit makes one out of a pizza box. Local cops are still chuckling over a driver pulled over on Sunday with a license plate likely smelling of pepperoni and extra cheese. Cops quickly noted the cardboard and the clever use of the felt tip pen, while also noting - to no surprise - the car was uninsured and unregistered.
AT THE WHITE HOUSE - Hey Generation X: It is your turn to have a President. After the grunge generation fielded decidedly uncool Presidential candidates in the form of Marco Rubio, Bobby Jindal, Scott Walker and Ted Cruz, The Week reports that "America's neglected middle child" has only a short window to shape America and can only do that with better politicians. So who do we have? Sen. Cory Booker, former HUD Secretary Julian Castro, Sen. Tammy Duckworth and Sen. Kristen Gillibrand, to name a few. Step up, before the Millennials swipe you away.
It was this day in 1986 that Saturday Night Live decided it shouldn't exactly be live, implementing a tape delay for its unpredictable host, Sam Kinison.


Attenuate - [uh-TEN-yoo-ate] - verb
Definition: To weaken or reduce in force, intensity, effect, quantity or value
Example: The bar had to turn up the AC to attenuate the heat of League of Municipalities revelers.
